I love it, my TB Muddy River loves it. I’ve been using it everyday since I received it. Shipping was fast. Packaged very secure. I started out slowly introducing the massager on River, first all over with it turned off. Then the next day on low, where he could feel a little something. Everyday increasing the speed and spending more time on back and hips.Since he is a young TB I wanted him to learn to enjoy it and look forward to his daily sessions. I was worried at first that the massager would be too heavy for me-I’m 5.2 inches tall and 118#-whereas River is 16.3h and 1325#. The company stated that it is very easy to use and they are right on. It’s very quiet and very stable on River, it can rest on one spot and I don’t have to work at holding it steady. Usually I have my groom ( husband) feed River hay while I’m giving him his massage, but for the last three days he just drops his head in the cross ties, rest a back hoof, and every now and then licks or chews and gives big sighs. He is so relaxed he doesn’t want to leave the grooming area. My only regret is I should have bought this years ago. Would love to bring Muddy River to your plant but I don’t think he would fit through the door! Considering what is costs to have your horse massaged, this is a bargain! You won’t be sorry. Quality craftsmanship and made in the USA!