Three Steps for Better Night’s Sleep
Getting enough high-quality sleep is a constant struggle. With packed schedules and responsibilities colliding with lifestyle habits and genetic predispositions, waking up refreshed is rare or unheard of for much of the population. According to SleepHealth.org, 70% of American adults obtain insufficient sleep on a regular basis, with 11% reporting insufficient sleep every night. A better night’s sleep is so desperately needed, that the CDC labels insufficient sleep as a “public health epidemic.”
If you suffer from body pain, misalignment, or general discomfort, the task is even more difficult. So, what can be done? Thankfully, all is not lost. With a proactive and hands-on approach, we believe you can reclaim quality sleep and transform your life for the better. Here are three simple steps to get started.
1. Wind Down Properly
The last two hours before you hit the hay are crucial to determining the quality of your sleep. Don’t leave it up to chance - with some simple adjustments, you can prepare your body and mind to embrace a restful night’s sleep.
For starters, have your last meal or snack no less than two hours before bedtime. Late-night eats are often filled with sugars that will spike your insulin and tamper with your energy levels, which can wreak havoc on your sleep. Alcohol, while making you feel tired, will have a similar disrupting effect on your sleep quality. Avoid it in the evening.
Shut off all screens 90 minutes before you go to bed, including your phone. Blue light from screens has been shown to impair restfulness, so the longer the break you give your eyes before bedtime, the better. Invest in a pair of blue-light glasses that will help mitigate the intake of screen light - these can be worn throughout the day and can help reduce vision-related headaches as well.
Lastly, try to lighten your mental load as you approach bedtime. Avoid watching scary or emotional content right before bed. Even thinking about work can lead to a more active and stressed mind, which can make it harder to fall asleep. Instead, spend your wind-down time reading (preferably fiction or pleasure reading), or engaging in conversation with loved ones.
2. Set the Right Conditions
When it comes to sleep, environment matters. Where and how you sleep will play a huge role in helping you fall asleep quicker, stay asleep longer, and avoid waking from disturbances.
Focus on the big three: light, temperature, and sound. Blackout curtains can be a lifesaver to help get your mind and body more relaxed, especially if you have an east-facing window or live in an area with bright streetlights. Turning off your heat at night is a great way to prime your body for sleep as well as save a few dollars on energy costs. Research shows that a cool room, somewhere in the neighborhood of 65 degrees, is most conducive to healthy sleep.
When it comes to noise, silence is not always better. If you sleep in a perfectly quiet room, small noises like upstairs neighbors or vehicles outside are more likely to wake you. Instead, use a fan or white noise machine to create an ambient soundscape that will cover up any otherwise noticeable noises.
3. Use the Right Products
Most importantly, a great night’s rest comes from being comfortable. Not all mattresses, sheets, and pillows are created equal. A little extra invested in high-quality materials that regulate heat and lay easily on your skin is well worth it.
For bodily comfort, don’t settle for one-size-fits-all therapeutic treatments. Your body is unique, and your relaxation requires a custom sleep solution. For side-sleepers, a leg spacer will help maintain alignment and avoid knee pain during the night. If you have back pain or spinal concerns, or you are simply looking for a more comfortable back position, a knee elevator will help put your spine in the optimal position to rest. For cervical adjustment, there are plenty of great options to increase your comfort as well.
The right tools can help your body achieve a level of steadiness and relaxation you’ve been searching for all along.
Get a Better Night’s Sleep Tonight
A better life starts with a better night’s sleep. Enjoy a comfortable, restful experience with the help of therapeutic and orthopedic pillows from Core Products. We are dedicated to making your life more vibrant by providing a tailored sleep solution that works specifically for your body. Developed with the guidance of chiropractors, our sleep products are engineered and designed to exceed the needs of people who are suffering from pain and discomfort. Whether you’re in need of back support, cervical correction, postural accommodation, pain relief, or simply sounder sleep - the team at Core Products can help you get there.
Get in touch with a professional to find the pillow that’s right for you, and start transforming your life through better sleep today.