The Beginner’s Guide to Chiropractic Adjustment
Most people may have heard of a chiropractic appointment, but do not know what it entails and have never had an adjustment.
As a result, there are misconceptions about what chiropractors do and why people decide to make appointments with them. Living a happy, healthy life is a goal we can all relate to and appreciate. While back support pillows and back rest pillows help mitigate discomfort, chiropractic adjustments can produce long-term benefits to people with back pain, neck pain and other forms of discomfort.
In this blog, we will explore why chiropractic adjustments help you to enjoy a comfortable and healthy life. Read on to discover everything you ever wanted to know about chiropractic adjustment.
Why Chiropractic Adjustments Make Our Lives Easier
A chiropractor mainly focuses on the spine, but they also pay attention to the cartilage, muscles, tendons, bones and joints. The main goals of chiropractic adjustment are to reduce nerve irritability, increase range of motion and improve function. Chiropractic adjustments are a safe and effective option for pain management. When we experience pain, our nociceptors detect tissue damage and transmit information about it along our spinal cords to our brains. Pain can be acute or chronic: acute pain is intense, but brief, while chronic pain is long-lasting and cannot be cured. Chronic pain is manageable with proper care and chiropractic adjustments provide hope for persons experiencing long-term discomfort. Subluxation is the slight misalignment of the spine, and is the root cause of many health problems underlying this kind of discomfort. By visiting a chiropractor, we are one step closer to living happy, comfortable lives.
Preparing For Your Chiropractic Adjustment
Before a chiropractor begins a procedure, they will ask you questions about your medical history. They will also examine your spine and nervous system and take x-rays if necessary. When chiropractors perform adjustments, they apply sudden, controlled force to a spinal joint. Depending on their professional preference, they may use a small instrument or their hands to help relieve your discomfort. During your appointment, you may be asked to lay down on a padded chiropractic table where they will begin to work their magic and relieve your aches and pains.
How a Chiropractic Adjustment is Performed
Spinal adjustments are gentle and usually painless. Getting adjustments is actually an enjoyable process, and you should notice the results right away. You should also notice sustained improvement in the health condition causing discomfort after 6-10 visits. There are several techniques a chiropractor may implement during your adjustment:
- Toggle Drop – the chiropractor uses crossed hands to firmly press down on a particular section of the spine. The spine is then adjusted with a quick, precise thrust to improve its mobility.
- Lumbar Roll – the chiropractor positions you beside them and applies a precise thrust on the misaligned vertebrae, so that it returns to its natural position.
- Release Work – the chiropractor uses their fingertips, applying gentle pressure to separate the vertebrae.
Say Goodbye to Discomfort with Core Products
At Core Products, we are proud to help you get back to doing the things you love by providing orthopedic and therapeutic products to support your chiropractic treatment, personal care plan or day-to-day comfort. Our industry-leading back rest pillows are developed with the guidance of chiropractors to accommodate a variety of needs and desired outcomes while alleviating back pain and discomfort. With a 100% satisfaction guarantee and long-term warranties, we are confident that our back support pillows can help you find the rest, relaxation and restoration you need. Talk to your care provider or get in touch with us today to find the back rest pillow that’s right for you. Together, we can help transform your life.