How We Talk About Masks Makes a Difference
By Sarah Balke
The thought of wearing a cloth face covering when in public settings can ignite a range of emotions. For the general population, there have been mixed messages regarding wearing a mask since the onset of COVID-19. Initially, the general public was told not to wear masks because they don’t help protect you. As time went on, and the experts learned more about how the virus spreads, the CDC recommended the general public wear a cloth face covering in public, when social distancing is hard to maintain.
New Normal
As the US resumes pre-Coronavirus activities, businesses reopen, and schools make critical decisions about how to function in the fall, it seems cloth face coverings will be a part of our “new normal”. How we talk about, and react to, wearing a mask can make a difference, especially when someone who is easily influenced is listening.
Wear your heart on your sleeve, and kindness on your face.
Wearing a cloth face covering in public settings, such as the grocery or hardware stores, shows respect for the workers who have been face to face with thousands of people since the start of COVID-19. Some of these workers have become infected, some have even died. Wearing face mask does not mean you are living in fear, it means you are showing kindness for those who have an immune system that is more frail than yours. It is a very simple way to help take care of one another.
We are living through a time that no one has lived through before. Kindness and compassion goes a bit further. Everyone has a different journey through life. Follow the wise words of Joseph Maley, “In a world when you can choose to be anything, be kind.” Spread Kindness. Masks On.™ #SpreadKindnessMasksOn
Not sure which mask to choose? Read, " How to Choose a Cloth Face Covering" for more information on what's available.